Joseph 3 days before he was killed.

My brother Joseph Purrington was 21, he was riding his bike in a parking lot going to the store when a drunk driver doing 100mph jumped the curb and hit him on October 10, 2008 in Bartlesville Oklahoma. He was killed instantly, he was on a bicycle and the drunk driver was in a SUV. The man left Joseph laying on the pavement in the parking lot and never looked back, he stopped long enough to move the air bag then continued to drive home. If it were not for a few good people that followed him we would not have any justice for Joseph. The man that killed my brother is now serving 50 years in prison. There are so many people in this world that read stories like these and think, “that will never happen to me”. It can happen to anyone. I just hope by sharing my story that at least one person will not drink and drive and take someones life.

My life will never be the same my whole family will never be the same. Joseph was a loving,caring person. He would give you the shirt off his back if he thought you needed it more than he did. There is nothing he would not do to help someone in need. Joseph loved his nieces, he was wanting a family of his own. All of that was taken away from him. Joseph we love you so very much and miss you! Always on our minds, forever in our hearts.

Please don’t drink and drive.