Strict Licensing Laws Lower Underage Drinking and Driving According to a report issued by the National Household Survey on Drug Abuse, strict licensing laws are helping to lower underage drinking and driving. The survey was modified in 2002 and is now called the...
As you do your research on new vehicles, you will probably notice safety ratings coming up over and over again. While you understand that you want your new car to be as safe as possible, you might not be sure which tests were actually performed on the makes and models...
4 Aftermarket Upgrades to Make Your Teen Safer While Behind the Wheel Because teen drivers often underestimate dangerous roadway situations and their own driving abilities, it makes sense that more motor vehicle accidents are the fault of 16- to 19-year-old drivers...
According to a report issued by SAMHSA (National Household Survey on Drug Abuse), strict licensing laws are helping to lower the incidence of teenagers driving drunk. The survey was modified in 2002 and is now called the National Survey on Drug Use and Health. The...
Teenage Drinking and Driving
Young drivers are a high-risk group, partially because they are young and just learning the rules, but that is not the only reason. Young drivers often think they are...
School Daze – Teenagers and Alcohol
Teenagers are the adults of tomorrow and will emulate much of what they see in their parents and other grownups. Experimenting with alcohol and other illegal...
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