Alcohol and Drunk Driving Information

Have you been Driving Drunk? – despite numerous laws and penalties against driving drunk, it still happens every day.

Some facts about driving drunk – irrefutable facts and varied state punishments.

More sobering facts about drunk driving accidents – recent information from the US government.

Alcohol tests are common at work and for law enforcement – there are several kinds of testers available for different testing environments.

Common drinking and driving myths refuted – you may believe these yourself or have seen some of these before.

Drunk driving and you – drinking and driving is so prevalent that it is estimated that you have about a 30% chance of being involved in an alcohol-related crash sometime in your life.

Effects of alcohol – besides the devasting effects of alcohol on the body, drinking excessive alcohol impacts society too.

More facts about drinking and driving – drinking and driving is not limited to certain socio-economic classes, cultural and ethnic groups or gender.

What is an alcohol breath test? – The breath alcohol test is one of the easiest ways to check out a driver’s level of impairment.

Teenage drunk driving – In the US, recent stats show that 12.8% of all fatal traffic crashes were alcohol-related, and 40% of that number involved teens driving while drinking alcohol.

Mothers Against Drunk Driving – from tragedy to triumph, countless lives have been saved by this determined group of mothers on a mission.

DUI License Plates – California debates the use of specially colored license plates for DUI offenders.

The joy of having a drunk driving arrest – chauffer-driven car ride; stylish, interlocking bracelets; comfy, air-conditioned room; and the excitement and drama of a real-life courtroom.

Alcohol Breath Tests and Mouth Alcohol – Why you should avoid breath mints before a breathalyzer test.

Car accidents from drunk driving – occur about every half hour in the nation and every hour sees another death caused by a drunk driver.

SADD is not a group of students against drunk driving any more – now they’re against all destructive decisions.

Drunk driving car crashes cause more than 16,000 automobile accident fatalities every year. Nearly one million drivers are arrested annually for driving drunk.

Preventing drunk driving – last year, over 17,000 students were involved in alcohol-related traffic crashes and hundreds were killed, including drivers and passengers.

Blood alcohol levels and you – how to keep from drinking yourself to death.

Consequences of drunk driving – Some of the many wonderful consequences you’ll enjoy if you get caught drinking and driving.

Benefits of a self-administered breath alcohol test – having the device accessible at bars and other drinking establishments will allow anyone willing to learn how to use it to be more responsible with their drinking.

More drunk driving information – more than 1 million people were arrested for driving drunk last year.

Sobering statistics on drunk driving – One of the most important statistics for every driver to consider is that three out of ten drivers will be involved in an alcohol-related traffic crash during their lifetime.

The long term effects of alcohol use – the long term effects of alcohol use should be strongly evaluated by any person who drinks on a regular basis.

Effects of drunk driving – the immediate and long term effects of drunk driving

BAC – what it is and how it saves lives.

OUI – in France it means yes. In the US it means yes to a heavy fine and jail time.

Don’t drink and drive – there is a reason the message is repeated. Every 30 minutes, someone is killed in an alcohol-related crash.

Drunk driving fact sheet – presents facts about drunk driving and the consequences, and provides information to dispel myths about drunk driving.

More teenage drinking and driving info – young drivers are a high-risk group, partially because they are young and just learning the rules, but that is not the only reason.

The three main types of alcohol detectors – Breathalyzers, Intoxilyzers and Alcosensors.

Drunk driving consequences: the specifics – It costs money and it costs time. And it may cost someone their life.

Vending machine business – How can you make money and save lives at the same time with a “vending machine”?

Dry counties challenge Texas DWI laws – with the highest rate of DWIs in the nation, Texans should be aware of the consequences of driving while drunk.

Drunk driving deaths and the BAC dilemma – To the average person/bartender/cop, a .05 BAC looks no different from a .08 BAC.

School Daze – Teenagers and Alcohol – eight young people die every day in the US in alcohol related crashes.

Okay to drink and drive during holidays? – It’s actually legal to drink and drive to a point, but it’s never a good idea.

Motorcycle crashes – drunk driving rates for fatal crashes in 2000 were highest for motorcycle operators.

Driving under the influence – penalties for this are even tougher on youths.

What is a car breathalyzer? – an increasingly popular prevention device.

Fun Facts About Alcohol – trivia to impress your friends with.

State DUI Laws – When the thin blue line is greyed.

Mock Crashes Show Teenagers the Brutal Reality of Driving Under the Influence – giving teens a preview of the reality of drunk driving without any real consequences.

Tips for Preventing Drunk Driving – Although there’s been an amazing drop in fatalities in the last 30 years, it’s still a major problem. And, though it may be obvious to many of us, here are some tips for preventing drunk driving.

Smartphone Breathalyzers – The current breathalyzer apps not only take smartphone capabilities to a new level, but they just may be saving lives, too.

Before Your Teen Takes the Keys – Here are some safety upgrades that can keep your teens safe while they take the reins for the first time.

DUI Laws and Penalties – For those drivers across the country who are caught intoxicated while behind the wheel, it could mean some very serious trouble. Here are a few of the harshest and most costly DUI laws and penalties in the country.